Whispers In The Forest…
Walking through the forest... Ancestral memory... forest speaks to us in many ways they tell stories can you hear the whispers in the forest.., it is almost as though you can feel the ghosts of our past saying... remember, remember..., I look at them as the giants and feel awe struck of the beauty of them.
Born of a desire to show where I came from and what has become of that place looking within I also rely on the 4 directions to lead you through this exhibit is an amalgamation of pictures of trees and earth from the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range, which is within the Athabasca Tar Sands geological area.
My ancestors, hunted, trapped and homesteaded in the present boundaries of the air weapons range. Once a year there is an event in the weapons range honoring the land that we once had, but outside of that it cannot be visited without a permit granted by the Ministry of Defense.
This is to represent to you the forest as it is and also the forest as it was, the trees and earth that existed a years ago, yet may not exist even now and will most certainly not be the same in the future. The translucency of the flags create a ghostly “ethereal” effect that allows them to be here and yet not be complete, not be a “whole, living, growing” eco-system.